How I Prepare For The Upcoming Semester In 3 Steps

There are a few things I do before each semester starts to ensure I am ready. Being organized and managing time is something I try to improve every semester. I also set goals before each semester like keeping my 4.0 GPA, joining a new club, or participating more in class. 



Desktop photo of a folder

1. Create a folder on my desktop for each class


I create folders on my laptop or desktop for each class. In the folder, I have sub-folders labeled Homework, Assignments and Projects. Then I add the syllabus and course calendar to the class folder. This helps me stay organized, and when I finish an assignment I can move it to that class folder and refer to it if I need it.Picture2-Aug-25-2020-08-53-04-55-PM

2. I see what my required textbooks are for each class, then I price-compare on CheggAmazon, and (cheapest)


I recommend checking out what textbooks you will need for each class. Our bookstore website lets you type in your course namesection, and division. It then tells you what textbook you need for the class. Sometimes professors do not require the textbook, so wait until the first day to find out if you truly need it. Normally, the professor will reach out to you through email if you are required to buy the textbook and have it for the first week of class. 

Textbooks can be expensive, and I have only had to rent two textbooks from the campus bookstore. If you can, use websites like Chegg and Amazon to rent or buy your textbooks for cheaper.

3. Buy a new planner


Planners will keep you organized for the upcoming semester. Make sure you find a planner that suits your needs. There are many different types of planners. I have two planners. One is more of an appointment planner that shows the days and times. This helps me write out when I have class, work, and projects or meetings. I find myself more organized in bigger planners than smaller ones.
